pan rustico (country bread)

Recipe found in New World Sourdough by Bryan Ford
I had many firsts on this bake:
first time deviating from what I believe to be the bread master. I normally make sourdough by using The Perfect Loaf “beginners sourdough" recipe.
first time shaping into a loaf pan. I typically use a dutch oven which creates a round loaf.
first time creating my own steam (read: dropping ice onto a tray below the bread in the oven)
We loved the shape of the loaf. Its sandwich bread. YES!
It had wonderful flavor.
It was great for slicing.
This bake is really hot. Like really hot! Periods of the bake are 500 degrees. Unfortunately, most parchment paper is only rated up to 450 degrees.
The loaf didn’t have great crumb. I prefer a really airy loaf. It should be noted that technique of incorporating the ingredients has a lot of influence over the crumb.