honeydew salad with jalapeños, zucchini, and avocado
Who doesn’t love a refreshing salad? This one was a house favorite. Anything that can be refreshing but have bold flavors is perfect.

watermelon salad and fried green beans
Watermelon and feta with spices is very refreshing. Green beans with caramelized onions is a staple.

roasted eggplant with caramelized tahini and cucumber yogurt salad by 177 milk street
Just a few months ago, you could have asked my husband if he likes eggplants and he would have responded with a definitive “no”. This recipe changed his mind. After eating this roasted eggplant with tahini, he looked at me and said, “Woah, I think I like eggplant.” Any recipe that can make an adult like more veggies is a win in our house.

cantaloupe and cucumber salad by epicurious
Trying to beat the summer heat? A cool salad with melons is a great option.