chocolates with raspberry jalapeño jam


Ever decide mid-day that you need to make a dessert that night? Whelp, this is a regular occurrence for me. I had tempered chocolate ready to be reheated in the fridge. I had recently made a blackberry jalapeño jam. I wasn’t willing to make a mouse, but I did have heavy whipping cream that I could adapt to a creamy filling.



  • 1 cup tempered chocolate

  • 1/2 cup raspberry jalapeño jam

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream

  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt


  1. Brush chocolate. Using a silicone dome mold, brush the inside of the domes with the tempered chocolate. Set in freeze for 10 minutes minimum.

  2. Make whipped cream. While the chocolate is settling in the freezer, make whipped cream by whipping Put whipped cream into pipping bag and set aside.

  3. Pipe Jam. After the chocolate has set, pipe raspberry jalapeño jam into each of the domes.

  4. Pipe whipped cream. No need to set in the freezer before adding the whipped cream. Fill the remainder of the molds with whipped cream. Using a spatula, scrape off the excess. Set in freezer for 5 minutes.

  5. Remove from mold and enjoy. I keep these in the freezer and plate right before I am ready to serve. Although the chocolate will hold up for being plated for longer, the whipped cream will loose its shape.



baba ganoush


roasted blackberry jalapeño jam